Vijaya Ramachandran

Advisory group member


Vijaya Ramachandran is the director for energy and development at the Breakthrough Institute. Her work focuses on access to energy, multilateral finance, and climate adaptation in poor
countries. She has three decades of experience in public policy and academia, serving on the faculty of Duke University and Georgetown University, as well as working at the World Bank,
the Executive Office of the Secretary-General of the United Nations, and the Center for Global Development. Vijaya is on the board of the Energy for Growth Hub, an advisor to the Innovation
Commission for Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security, and a member of the expert advisory panel for The Earthshot Prize. Her work has been published in Foreign Policy, Nature,
World Development, and other journals, and cited by over fifty media outlets including The Economist, The Financial Times, National Public Radio, and The Guardian. Vijaya has a PhD in
Business Economics from Harvard University.