PxD and IGSD Climate Change Mitigation Initiative

Precision Development (PxD) and the Institute for Governance & Sustainable Development (IGSD) are partnering on a unique initiative to collaboratively identify opportunities for innovation in climate change mitigation.


Precision Development (PxD) and the Institute for Governance & Sustainable Development (IGSD) are partnering on a unique initiative to collaboratively identify opportunities for innovation in climate change mitigation, particularly for the greenhouse gases most problematic in agricultural production, methane and nitrous oxide, as well as carbon dioxide. We are specifically focused on innovations with pertinence to the world’s smallholder farmers, who farm most of the world’s approximately 570 million farms. The majority of farms in the Global South, a term used to denote the regions of Asia, Latin America, Africa, and Oceania, are small and it is within this broad geography and smallholder farming context which we focus our climate change mitigation initiative.

The results of our investigations will be presented in a series of analytical reports, which will be linked below as they are published.