Research in Review: 2022

2022 was a tremendous leap forward for research at PxD. Our research and operations teams completed a total of eight A/B test experiments and impact evaluations. We collected data in person and over the phone …

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Brewing better weather services for Indian coffee farmers

Accurate, medium-range weather forecasting information can help mitigate smallholder farmers’ exposure to climate-related risks. PxD is in the process of launching new products to assist smallholder farmers to make more informed and timely decisions based …

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Taking advice: Speaking to farmers to inform more effective services

Precision Development (PxD) leverages needs assessment research to inform our agricultural extension services, and we survey our farmers to gauge their opinion of our services. Sourcing information from farmers gives us direct insight into the …

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Research in Progress (and in Practice): 2021 in Review

Precision Development’s goal is to generate large aggregate impacts for the poor. Research plays a central role in advancing that objective. In a collaborative post, our Research Team surveys their work in 2021 and outlines …

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Accessing the Power of E-Commerce for Smallholder Farmers

Can e-commerce address constraints that inhibit growth and productivity among Indian smallholder farmers? Rohit Goel, a Research and Operations Associate on PxD’s India Team, investigates and traces the contours of an exciting PxD pilot in …

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Kharif in Odisha: A Monsoon of Information

Tarun Pokiya, Lead Agronomist, Prasanna Kumar, Senior Software Engineer, Hannah Timmis, India Research Manager, Tushar Singh, Research and Operations Associate, Srinivas VT, Senior Associate, and Revati Vaidya, Process and Product Innovation Associate, collaborated on this …

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Showcasing our work in India: World Bank Webinar

On 16 December, PAD’s CEO, Owen Barder, and India Country Director, Niriksha Shetty, presented an overview of PAD’s work in India, with a particular focus on our work in Odisha, to a group of World …

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Here Comes the Rain Again: Team MoA-INFO springs into action

As Kenya’s Short Rains agricultural season commences Maureen Kuboka, Wanjiku Macharia, Daniel Mokrauer-Madden, Sidney Muchule, JingKai Ong, Yifan Powers and Stefania Pozzi walk us through what MoA-INFO has in store. A majority of Kenya’s arable …

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The Journey to One Million: PAD in India

Niriksha Shetty, PAD’s India Country Director, reflects on a remarkable milestone. In September, 2020, Precision Agriculture for Development in India* surpassed the 1 million mark for farmers who receive advisory content through our services. This …

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