Research in Review: 2022

2022 was a tremendous leap forward for research at PxD. Our research and operations teams completed a total of eight A/B test experiments and impact evaluations. We collected data in person and over the phone …

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Letter from Lahore – February 2023

Punjab means “five rivers”, and those five rivers are the reason that the Punjab region in Pakistan is the country’s bread basket.  Tomoko and I were in Punjab last week visiting the PxD Pakistan country …

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Disease, Heat, and Floods: Using digital services to mitigate new challenges to women’s livelihoods in rural Pakistan

When disease and a heatwave, followed by devastating floods ravaged Pakistan’s Punjab province, PxD’s LMAFRP digital information service, which we implement in partnership with the Rural Community Development Society (RCDS) with support from the International …

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Q2 2022: Progress Report!

We are pleased to present our second progress report for 2022, with programmatic and organizational updates for the period spanning 1 April to 30 June. Please write to for more information or to explore …

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Research in Progress (and in Practice): 2021 in Review

Precision Development’s goal is to generate large aggregate impacts for the poor. Research plays a central role in advancing that objective. In a collaborative post, our Research Team surveys their work in 2021 and outlines …

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Evidence to Policy – New Video

The Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab’s (J-PAL) has showcased PxD as an organization that leveraged the value of randomized evaluations to launch more effective approaches to reducing poverty on a global scale. The video …

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Accessing the Power of E-Commerce for Smallholder Farmers

Can e-commerce address constraints that inhibit growth and productivity among Indian smallholder farmers? Rohit Goel, a Research and Operations Associate on PxD’s India Team, investigates and traces the contours of an exciting PxD pilot in …

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Generating New Insights for Increased Impact

Tomoko Harigaya, PxD’s Chief Economist and Director of Research, and Caitlin McKee, Global Research Support Manager (with input from across the Research Team) detail lines of new inquiry intended to build our research base and …

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A New Digital Extension Project in Brazil!

We are humbled and thrilled to have been announced as the winners of a tendering process to deliver digital extension services to 100,000 farmers in Brazil’s Northeast Region (NER). The announcement by Brazil’s Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, and Food Supply (MAPA) on the 6th of July marked the conclusion of a rigorous and competitive five-month-long tendering process.