
PxD is partnering with International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), a CGIAR organization focused on research-based policy solutions to sustainably reduce poverty and end hunger and malnutrition in low- and middle-income countries, to measure the impact of an Uganda Coffee Agronomy Training program (UCAT). UCAT is conducted in a field farmer school format consisting of in-person coffee Good Agricultural Practices (GAPs) training which is taught in the fields of the coffee farmers. IFPRI is conducting a randomized control trial evaluating UCAT and its impact on adoption of GAPs and coffee tree yields of small-holding coffee farmers. PxD is providing ICT-based agronomy reinforcement to farmers attending field farmer schools as well as delivering an ICT-based agronomy training to a sub-sample of farmers within the control group of the randomized control trial. This impact evaluation began in March of 2019 and will run for two years.

For more information about this project, its partners, and research, please visit

International Food Policy Research Institute