Precisión para el Desarrollo (PxD) es una organización global sin fines de lucro que aprovecha las herramientas y la tecnología de Silicon Valley para crear servicios que permitan a las personas cambiar sus propias vidas.

Construimos sistemas de información de bajo costo y a escala para compartir conocimiento con las personas más pobres y desfavorecidas del mundo. Nuestro modelo es pionero en el mundo del desarrollo digital. Este modelo se implementa en colaboración con otras organizaciones para maximizar nuestro impacto a escala. Continuamente experimentamos, iteramos y recopilamos evidencia sobre el impacto de nuestros servicios para mejorar su entrega y demostrar nuestro valor.




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Lo último del Blog de Precisión

How Innovative Financing Mechanisms Can Support a Globally Inclusive Carbon Dioxide Removal Industry
Following PxD’s initiative identifying evidence-based climate change mitigation opportunities for smallholder …
A data driven, evidence-based and user-centered approach
Fig.1 A woman calling 8028 Improving Ethiopian smallholder farmers’ productivity and …
Customized Weather Forecasts for Improved Farmer Decision Making
In our services for farmers, PxD aims to provide timely, relevant, …
Bringing Life-Giving Drops to Parched Lands: How ACLs are Transforming Kenyan Dairy Farming
For smallholder farmers in Kenya, water is not just a resource; …
PxD appoints Niriksha Shetty as new Chief Executive Officer
Time for some personal news, as they say. Niriksha Shetty, new …
10 Million Users Reached in the Last 12 Months!
All of us at Precision Development (PxD) are delighted to report …
Creating a Global South Inclusive Carbon Dioxide Removal Marketplace: Enhanced Rock Weathering as a Lens
Following PxD’s initiative identifying evidence-based climate change mitigation opportunities for smallholder …
Welcoming New Members and Transitions
Precision Development (PxD) is delighted to announce that Amrita Ahuja has …
Reflections on building Krishi Katha, the award-winning advisory service for smallholder farmers in West Bengal
West Bengal is the 6th largest economy in India, located on …
Innovative financing to bring clean water to drought-stricken Kenyan dairy farmers
Dairy farmers in Kenya are being hit hard by climate change. …
Embracing equity: Reflecting on PxD’s progress on gender and the way ahead
The streets of Mexico City are filled with purple with tens …
Research in Review: 2022
2022 was a tremendous leap forward for research at PxD. Our …
Making markets for carbon: can smallholder farmers benefit from investments to cut climate change?
Paying people for actions that contribute to climate change mitigation, known …
Letter from Lahore – February 2023
Punjab means “five rivers”, and those five rivers are the reason …

En dónde trabajamos

Al final del segundo trimestre de 2021, PxD, en coordinación con nuestros socios, brindó servicios a 5.3 millones de usuarios. PxD trabaja en once países de África, Asia y América Latina, y se está expandiendo rápidamente a medida que los gobiernos y las organizaciones buscan formas innovadoras de utilizar tecnologías novedosas para proporcionar información procesable y útil a las personas que más la necesitan.









